Financial Donations
Breckenridge History is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered in Colorado. We greatly appreciate financial donations of any size to help support our preservation projects, programming, and operating costs. We use Colorado Gives to process all credit card donations. You may also mail a check to the following address: Breckenridge History, PO Box 2460, Breckenridge, CO 80424.
Artifact Donations
Breckenridge History accepts artifacts and archival material of historical and research value that advances our mission, is directly related to the local history of Breckenridge, Colorado, and assures the best use of our resources to preserve and authentically interpret Breckenridge’s history. All potential donations must go through a curatorial review process to determine if the item is appropriate for our collections. If you have artifacts, photographs, maps, family papers or other archival material you would like to donate, please email archives@breckhistory.org or call 970-453-9767 ext. 6.
We do not accept unsolicited or drop-off items at any of our sites. Breckenridge History is not responsible for items left without prior approval/acceptance and such items may be disposed of as abandoned property.