The Reiling Dredge shows through the trees off B&B Trail.
April 19, 2023

Why We Collect: Nature and our mining history

A look at the new blog post category, Why We Collect, with a focus on nature and how our mining history is still on display.

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October 31, 2022

Bill Fountain’s Research Tips and How-to’s

People frequently ask Breckenridge History for information on their family or friends who were part of historic Breckenridge. A recent acquisition by the Breckenridge History Archives of a c. 1900 photo album by Otto Westerman provides an instructive…

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October 27, 2022

Making History Accessible to All

History belongs to everyone. Making Breckenridge’s historic sites accessible is a top priority for Breckenridge History. From physical access to accommodations for hearing and sight impairments, learn more about the ways that Breckenridge History brings our community’s stories…

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November 07, 2019

Breckenridge History Staff Visit Denver

Breckenridge History staff visit Denver to see how History Colorado and Denver Museum of Nature and Science preserve collection materials.

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