
Titular de 1880 Rocky Mountain News que dice "Los chinos notificados por los mineros que 'deben irse'"
April 27, 2023

Our Collective History: Confronting difficult histories

One of our new blog post categories is Our Collective History, but what does that really mean? When we think about history, there are specific events, ideas, and people who have helped to shape eras and places in…

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08 de abril de 2022

Salones en Breckenridge

Probablemente ningún establecimiento comercial de la frontera minera desempeñó un papel más importante que la taberna. El whisky, el principal refresco que se vendía en los saloons, llegó a lo que se convirtió en el condado de Summit durante el reinado de los montañeses (1820-1850). ...

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February 22, 2022

Myth-busting: The True Story of Barney Ford

Mr. Barney L. Ford’s story changed completely in spring 2021 when the Breckenridge Heritage Alliance received a new primary source document.

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Exterior photo of the Barney Ford Museum
June 09, 2021

New Research on Barney Ford Changes the Story Again

New research on the life and legacy of Barney Ford leads BHA to update our museum and interpretation.

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February 16, 2021

Rocky Mountain PBS to premiere Colorado Experience: Mr. Barney Ford

On Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 7 pm, Rocky Mountain PBS will premiere Colorado Experience: Mr. Barney Ford, a 56-minute documentary…

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