Historic Resources Management Plan

The purpose of this updated Historic Resources Management Plan is to define Breckenridge History’s long-term strategy and schedule for further stabilization, preservation, interpretation and maintenance activities on Town of Breckenridge and Summit County Open Space and National Forest lands. Criteria will be used to prioritize projects and develop a management schedule. BH’s plan is intended to dovetail with the goals and criteria set forth in the Golden Horseshoe Management Plan, and the 2022 County and Town Open Space Master Plans. The 2024 updated plan identifies projects that have been completed since the first plan was adopted, and it addresses several changes in the Breckenridge area (i.e. ownership changes, new trails). The purpose of the plan has not changed.
Historic Resources Management Plan PDF
You can download a copy of the Historic Resource Management Plan here.
Interactive Map
This interactive map works in tandem with the Historic Resources Management Plan. Each historic resource is shown at its present location. Click on the pins to learn more about the sites and their preservation recommendations. Sites with gold pins are higher priority sites, while blue pins denote lower priority sites. Criteria for preservation are: 1. Location – French Gulch, Gold Run Gulch, Frontcountry zone 2. Accessibility – Within 1/2 of a TH or 2WD road 3. Interpretive potential – Photographs and/or primary source info available 4. High historical significance – few remaining, best example 5. Risk – collapse or serious deterioration imminent